Monthly Archives: June 2024

“I think my husband has dementia. Can I leave him before it worsens?”

The question was sent to the New York Times “The Ethicist” column. Kwame Anthony Appiah went down one of his usual rabbit holes exploring the levels of dementia. And he assures this callous human being, “I’m not saying that you’re … Continue reading

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Here We Go Again! This Time It’s Bundling Up Car Loans

Always a thrill to see repeat patterns.  Even better to offer a warning.  Smaller banks are facing stiffer regulations. Dog-gone it! Those regulators are demanding that these banks’ financials look healthy. So, the banks are selling off bundles of car … Continue reading

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Lying About How You Lost Weight

Oprah shilled for Weight Watchers even as she was losing weight thanks to one of the new wonder drugs intended for those with diabetes (Ms. Winfrey did not disclose which one).  Dieters were convinced Oprah was just following Weight Watchers … Continue reading

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