He was a 33-year-old executive director (equivalent of a vice president at a bank) at Goldman Sachs in London, Of course Goldman has 12,000 executive directors among its 33,000 employees, so he is a worker bee. “He†is Greg Smith and he had an op-ed piece in the March 15, 2012 issue of the New York Times. The piece describes Goldman’s callous attitude toward clients and calls the Goldman culture “toxic and destructive.†So, and? Tell us something we did not know.
The response to the piece is fascinating. The only denials are coming from within Goldman. One client said that the letter was “naïve,†and added, “Come on. that is what they do and they are good traders, so I do business with them.†Another client wrote to Mr. Smith, “You do not know me, but I am a client of Goldman Sachs. We trade a lot with Goldman and we know that we have to be very careful when we do so.†Funny, even the clients know how Goldman is and stay with Goldman for the exact reason Goldman treats clients the way it does – it’s all about the gains.
This is a firm whose CEO uttered, after congressional hearings revealed them to be hopelessly conflicted in their dealings with clients, “We are doing God’s work.†There’s a good chance that God is in the same position as Goldman’s clients – He doesn’t know Goldman’s in on the deal.
This is a firm once led by Jon Corzine, he who went on to head “I have no idea where the $1.6 billion in client funds is†MF Global.
This is a firm whose executives, when confronted with employees e-mails that called securities being sold to clients as “one s______ deal†responded, “I think that’s very unfortunate to have on email.â€
This is a firm who was just chastised mightily by a Delaware Chancery Court judge (calling Goldman “selfishâ€) for being on ALL sides of a merger deal between Kinder Morgan and El Paso Natural Gas. Here’s a list to keep score of Goldman’s positions in that deal:
• Goldman was El Paso’s adviser
• Goldman was an investor in Kinder Morgan ($4 billion holder of equity)
• Lloyd Blankfein referred to Goldman’s dual roles in a letter to the CEO of El Paso as perhaps carrying “the appearance of a conflictâ€
• Goldman got $20 million for advising El Paso on the deal that had Kinder Morgan acquiring El Paso
• The Goldman adviser to El Paso himself owned $340,000 in Kinder Morgan stock
• El Paso had other options besides the Kinder Morgan proposal on the table
• Goldman did recommend that El Paso hire an additional adviser
• Goldman helped negotiate the contract for the new adviser – Morgan Stanley. But Morgan Stanley only got paid its fee if El Paso sold took the Kinder Morgan deal
A Morgan Stanley banker’s e-mail commented on these activities as the deal was going down, “This is GS at its most shameless.â€
No, actually, that’s just Goldman Sachs. And you don’t see defenders coming out to deny young Mr. Smith’s allegations. Mr. Smith threw his career on the line to state publicly what everyone says and knows privately, within and without Goldman Sachs. This is a firm that cannot even see its own ethical issues. Sadly, its clients can see those ethical issues, but it’s all so profitable, they’re not walking away. Unless and until they do, Mr. Smith is not a lone voice for everyone knows Goldman is just Goldman, but he is crying in the wilderness. The wicked do prosper. Unfortunately, their clients cannot say no to coming along for the ride.